LipSense Review

If you’ve already tried LipSense, awesome! You already know exactly how this product works. But if you haven’t, let me break it down for you.

Start with CLEAN, dry lips! (This step is very important)

I chose color “Dusty Rose”.

Shake tube well before applying.

With lips apart, apply the first coat in a sweeping motion.

After applying first coat, allow it to dry for 5 seconds.

Apply a second coat!

Allow the second coat to dry for 5 seconds.

Apply the third layer of color.

Voila! Look at all that color!

After letting the third layer of color to dry for 30 seconds, you’re ready for the “Moisturizing Gloss”.

I mean, seriously, look at that color.

Ready to take LipSense off? That’s where “Ooops! Remover” comes in handy!

“Oooops! Remover” + a wet washcloth took it right off of my lips!

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I had never tried LipSense before and I was beyond excited! I don’t like fussing with regular lipstick. It always ends up coming off really easily, or worse, winds up on my teeth and I end up looking like the least classy lady on the block. At that point, it’s like, why am I even bothering with lipstick?!

I tend to wear a lip stain or long lasting lipstick if I decide to put color on my lips. My own personal issue with long wear lipsticks is that after several hours, the lipstick applied to inside of my bottom lip starts to wear off. Needless to say, it looks terrible! So I was very curious to see if LipSense would do the same.

Honest statement: the first time I wore LipSense, it did wear off at the inside of my bottom lip. I was SO disappointed because I had such high hopes. But I refused to give up! I had heard my sister-in-law say that LipSense worked so well for her, so I realized there was something wrong with my lips.

Here was the problem: I have an absurd build up of wax on my lips from a decade of being addicted to Carmex. So I first exfoliated my lips with a facial exfoliant (I used the Microdermabrasion Scrub by Derma E, but any brand will do) to get rid of all the Carmex on my lips. I THEN applied LipSense as directed, and it worked 1,000 times better!

So let’s get down to the nitty gritty: pros and cons. I LOVED this color. I had been looking for a color just like this for years, but never found the right shade. So this was huge for me. Also, the wand applicator was extremely easy to use and well shaped. Many people don’t put much thought into this aspect, but if it’s a junky wand, the lipstick won’t go on right and it will look TERRIBLE. Once I exfoliated my lips and then applied LipSense, it stayed on a ridiculously long time. I have to admit, I was impressed.

Things I didn’t like so much: It felt slightly stiff on the lips and the gloss wasn’t my favorite. It’s nothing unbearable, but I definitely notice when its on. Also, my lips did burn for about 5 seconds during my first application. It’s truly not that bad, and I’m pretty sure anyone can handle it. LipSense does tell you to expect that to happen if your lips are dry/cracked during the first application, so I kinda expected it. All in all, those are issues that would not deter me from wearing it over and over again.

Bottom line: Will I buy it again? This was a gift, and I have no idea how much it actually costs, but I’m telling you I would pay good money to get more of these. Yes, I definitely would and do plan on buying more colors.

I worked with a distributor named Jenika, and she was very sweet and helpful. She can be reached at:

Email: or Facebook: Kiss And Tell By Jenika

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post; however I was given a sample for an honest review.